Espinas Palace Hotel in Tehran
Espinas Palace Hotel in Tehran
Espinas Palace Hotel in Tehran
Espinas Palace Hotel in Tehran
Espinas Palace Hotel in Tehran
Espinas Palace Hotel in Tehran
Espinas Palace Hotel in Tehran
Espinas Palace Hotel in Tehran
Espinas Palace Hotel in Tehran

Rooms & Prices

Espinas Palace Hotel in Tehran Rooms Rates

Note: You'll pay 5% less if you have a finalized confirmed booking code from our website.


- Espinas Palace Hotel in Tehran Reservation


Note: The rates above are including breakfast and Wi-Fi.


Espinas Palace Hotel Price

Espinas Palace Hotel Price

Espinas Palace Hotel Price

8/6/2018 7:26:30 AM

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eftekari on 1/15/2019
hi i like to know how much in dollar i have been there last year and i like to reserve it for 20 days in april let me know a good package for peresidential room

Thank You

Dear eftekari

Comment Code: 10040


Thank you very much for contacting us. Please let us more Information about your question.

Kind Regards

Spinas palace hotel